Wednesday 4 November 2015

Are You Making These Social Media Mistakes?

Are You Making These Costly Social Media Marketing Mistakes?

I recently came across this list of social media mistakes and I can not agree with them more. I have “checked out” and “dismissed” a handful of individuals who have crossed these lines. My guess is you probably have too. Non the less, it is worth the media mistakes
Social media is a ripe ground for making connections, and also for offending and creating enemies. Understanding what you shouldn’t do when it comes to social media is almost as vital as knowing what you should be doing. Here are several social media mistakes to avoid like the plague!
Jokes at other people’s expense – It should go without having to say, but you need to think before you send anything at all out into cyberspace for the world to see. First and foremost, don’t try and take advantage of someone else’s bad luck or indiscretion to promote your own products or services. While a celebrity death or embarrassing scandal may seem like easy fodder for attracting eyeballs, you’re almost certainly going to tick off as many people as you tickle!
Offending your customers – Right there with poor taste humor is the inclination to state your preferences, political, social or otherwise, that may or may not agree with those of your clients and customers. Use your head! Don’t talk about anything with the general public that could cause offense or be misconstrued, or you’ll pay big for this transgression.
Not making business only accounts – An account solely dedicated to your business has not only a much better chance of being found in the search engine results, it projects an altogether more professional image for your business.
No social media buttons on your website – These are readily available for all social media platforms, and you’re shooting yourself in the foot if they’re inaccessible on your homepage and every post you make. This will make it easy for your readers to share your posts and in doing so help promote your business.
Not using the links from your social sites – Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Google all will let you link back to your website from your profile page, as well as from posts. This is an easy way to garner some easy, authoritative links that will help others find you as well.

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